adult insomnia
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or sleep through the night , despite having the opportunity to do so. It is the most common sleep disorder with up to 30% of the population experiencing it at sometime in their life.
A variety of insomnia symptoms and consequences can impact your night and daytime experiences.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia is a recommended and evidenced-based treatment for insomnia. It provides strategies that can help you
Get in touch today for more information and see
how we can help with your insomnia, with a trained sleep therapist in London.
Costs £600.00
CBTI is the recommended 1st line evidenced based treatment for insomnia.
Using a structured programme over 6 weeks we will help you address the key concepts for improving your sleep.
Adult sleep packages are designed to be completed within 8-weeks of commencing the programme. This enables complete delivery of the information. Continuity is an important aspect of CBTI.
We are aware that sometimes you may need extra support.
Additional appointments are available following the the completion of the course.
45-minute video calls - £75.00
If you are looking for a sleep therapist in London and the South East to help you with your insomnia, contact The Sleep Workshop to find out more about our sleep packages.
Call directly on 07405 415462 or email